new clients
Welcome to your powerful life transformation! I want this process to be as easy and comfortable for you as possible. Here's what you can expect:
booking an appointment
You can see my available appointment times and book a session right here on this web site. In the white bar across the top of this page, you will see "Services".
When you click "Services", a menu will pop up offering four options: Spiritual Mentoring, Mentoring Packages, Life Events and Speaking. Click on the category you are looking for. If you are looking to book a One on One Spiritual Mentoring Session, you will see it on the bottom left. Click "Book It".
You will see calendar squares for the days of the current week and slider buttons to advance to future weeks.
The days with available appointment slots will have black numbers, and full days will have gray numbers. Click on the number of the day you prefer and you will see the available appointment times for that day.
Click the appointment time of your choice and click "Next".
Fill in the appropriate information and click "Next".
Double check your Booking Summary and click "Book It" to finalize your appointment booking.
Select your payment preference (PayPal or In Person) and click "Next".
You will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes. If you do not receive a confirmation email, something has gone wrong and your appointment is not set. Try again, making sure you fill in all the requested fields and click"Book It".
If you encounter a problem, you can always call me to book in at 480-242-6137. Leave a message if I don't answer, and I'll get back to you at the earliest available time. Make sure to leave your name, phone number and reason for calling in the message.

where to go (in person clients)
My office is at 18010 N Tatum Blvd (Phoenix Arizona 85032) at New Vision Center for Spiritual Living. The easiest access is to park in the front parking lot and walk through the main entryway sidewalk. You will see the rear building straight ahead -- this is the Sanctuary Building. Enter through the glass double doors and have a seat on the couches in the lobby. I will come get you when it's time for your appointment. Help yourself to the restrooms if needed.
The best way for long distance clients to meet with me is through teleconferencing. I use the Zoom platform. You will need a computer with a web cam and internet access. Before the appointment, go to zoom.us, make a free account and download any needed software. (The web site will prompt you.) The morning of the appointment, I will send you an email with a Zoom invitation link. Simply click on the link and follow the directions. We will be able to see and hear each other.
If the idea of using Zoom is overwhelming, we can also meet via telephone. I have had many successful phone sessions, so don't worry. You won't be missing out. Simply respond t my scheduling email with a request to meet via telephone, and I will send you telephone meeting instructions via email.
before the session
In order to get the most out of your session, there are a few things you can do:
Take some time to reflect on what you'd like to achieve during the session. Be ready to discuss any pressing issues.
If you've been given homework in a previous session, be prepared to discuss your experience. Bring your notes, so you remember what we worked on and how it impacted you since the last session.
Make sure you are physically prepared for a 60-90 minute session. Eat a light meal before our meeting, and make sure you are properly hydrated. A trip to the restroom before we begin is always a good idea. You may bring water and a light snack into the session, in case you need or want them. If you tend to be cold, bring a sweater or shawl. Anything that you require or desire for your comfort, bring it with you.
Bring your journal and a pen to jot down any important thoughts, realizations, ideas and (of course) homework
cancellation policy
I am committed to being as flexible as possible with my clients and understand that you have a busy schedule, as do I. You have the freedom to change or cancel your appointment via the Services page of this web site any time you like, up to 24 hours before the appointment.
Clients who are late will still be seen, but their appointment will end at the original time. This means you will have a shortened appointment and may not have as complete an experience as desired. Please make every effort to be on time.
Clients who do not show up for their appointment or who cancel last minute will be given one grace appointment free of charge. All addition cancellations within the 24 hours before an appointment and all no-shows will be charged the full amount of the session. Clients who chronically have an issue with missing appointments will be required to pay for their sessions in advance.
If I am late to your appointment, cancel within 24 hours or do not show up to your appointment, I will give you the rescheduled appointment for free. In addition, as an apology, I will give you a second session for free as well. (This policy does not include issues due to technical difficulties. In such cases, we will connect via telephone and complete the session.)
This policy shows respect for me and my time, you and your time and the many other clients who are waiting to get an appointment. I appreciate your understanding.